Tuesday, August 3, 2010

They say 103 today

That doesn't slow me down, brewing an American Brown Ale today.

Malt bill
10 pounds of 2 row
.5 lbs. of crystal 65
.5 lbs of chocolate malt
.25 lbs. of Victory malt
.25 lbs. of dark wheat malt

Hop bill
.5 oz. Chinook 60 minutes
1.5 oz Cascade 15 minutes
2 0z. Cascade 0 minutes

US-05 Yeast


  1. 103??? I would MELT! no wonder you brew so much beer LOL I would need 12 tall ones just for an afternoon in the shade! Keep brewing buddy!

  2. 12??!!?? I didn't count, but the glass never emptied!

  3. This one is carbinating as I type. Should be ready to tap next weekend.
