Sunday, February 2, 2014

English IPA

Using the water profile below, here is today's recipe.
25 pounds floor malted Maris Otter

Mashed in with 8 gallons of water to a mash temp of 150,
Second mash, 8 gallons water at 170.
90 minute boil,
3 ounces of Northdown at 60
1 ounce of EKG at 30, 15, and knockout
2 tsp of Irish Moss at 15.
Fermenting on
Wyeast 1203-PC Burton IPA Blend

Beer Styles: Traditional and Historical English IPA, English Pale Ale, English Bitter styles, Robust Porter, Foreign Stouts
Profile: The revival of interest in historic and classic English IPA styles calls for a specialized yeast – this blend highlights hop bitterness and aroma while still allowing full expression of authentic water profiles and pale malts. Low to moderate ester level can be manipulated through fermentation temperature and pitching rate. Palate finish is typically neutral to mildly fruity with some maltiness. Good flocculation characteristics make this an excellent candidate for cask conditioning.

Alc. Tolerance          10% ABV
Flocculation             med-high
Attenuation             71-74%
Temp. Range           64-74°F (18-23°C)
Fermenting at 65. 

Kegged on 3-2. Oh, my, the hop bitterness came thru ever so nicely. A definite winner, one keg is being force carbonated, the other received a 1/4 cup of sugar. Cannot wait for this one to be ready! 

This is on tap. The hop bitterness is very clean and well pronounced. The water profile seemed to accentuate this quite nicely, seems to have the flavor of a Meantime IPA. Success!!!